आप क्या काम करते हैं? (What work do you do?) Are you prepared for the question? (Are you prepared for the answer?) In this lesson, we learn some of the Hindi names for jobs and occupations. While you may not be prepared for every answer, this lesson helps you to develop this part of your vocabulary.
Detective | जासूस | Fisherman | मछुवा | |
Diver | पनडुब्बा | Florist | फूलवाला | |
Doctor | डाक्टर/ वैद्य | Forester | वन अधिकारी | |
Ecologist | परिस्थिति वैज्ञानिक | Gardener | माली | |
Economist | अर्थशास्त्री | Geologist | भू-विज्ञानी | |
Editor | संपादक | Governor | राज्यपाल | |
Educationalist | शिक्षाविशारद् | Grocer | पन्सारी | |
Educator | शिक्षक | Green grocer | सब्जी वाला | |
Electrician | विद्युद्वेत्ता | Guide | मार्गदर्शक /गाइड | |
Engineer | अभियंता/ इंजीनियर | Headmaster | प्रधानाध्यापक | |
Entrepreneur | उद्यमी, उद्योगपति | Historian | इतिहासकार | |
Evangelist | ईसाई मत का प्रचारक | Industrialist | उद्योगपति | |
Executive | प्रवर्तक | Information Technologist | सूचना प्रौद्योगविज्ञ | |
Farmer | किसान | Instructor | अध्यापक |
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